Lindsay Tyler


Lindsay Tyler’s art is a celebration of the fun, playful, and imaginative aspects of life, infused with a sassy and humorous twist that encourages viewers to see the world through a different lens. Lindsay is on a perpetual quest to explore new frontiers, embrace the unconventional, and bring forth art that resonates with the wild and fearless spirit of creativity.

As a graduate of Central Michigan University with a BA in Broadcast and Cinematic Arts, Lindsay embarked on a unique artistic journey that seamlessly blends visual storytelling and creative expression. Her artistic endeavors span a diverse spectrum, reflecting a passionate commitment to pushing the boundaries of imagination and creativity.

Working in acrylic paint, she creates detailed pieces that invite viewers to immerse themselves in a world of vibrant colors. Lindsay also uses acrylic to create fluid art and crafts handmade fine jewelry that embodies the unpredictable beauty of the medium.

Additionally, she utilizes digital design to create stickers that radiate humor, eccentricity, and a fearless approach to creativity. The stickers serve as a whimsical avenue for provoking thought, sparking imagination, and challenging the status quo.

When she is not creating art Lindsay enjoys spending time with her two sons, husband and their many pets. She also enjoys kayaking and gardening. Her garden includes an outdoor bed of cold hardy cacti, succulents, hibiscus and more.